Welcome |
Founded in 1999, Millennium 3 Publishing (M3P) operates an eclectic array of websites and internet services catering to the business-to-business and general population Web communities.
M3P was created for, and remains dedicated to, using the Internet to provide information, services, and products for living and prospering in the 21st Century.
We currently operate the following websites: |
SponsorWorks.net |
Dedicated to providing FREE and low-cost online merchandising solutions for webmasters and pagemasters who wish to maximize the advertising and ecommerce potential of their sites. |
ListBug.com |
Site for list enthusiasts and information seekers |
TextEx.net |
Administrator of the Original Text Exchange Network and provider of FREE content, exposure, and performance reporting, via the "plugin-able" TextEx.net PersonalPortal and the growing number of Text Exchange Network members. |
VisitLater.com |
Provider of FREE and low-cost remotely hosted website technologies that can be "plugged in" easily by webmasters or pagemasters. Services include Contact-Us and Recommend-To-A-Friend processing, virtual bookmarking, and dynamic forums. |
FindAdsHere.com |
Simple but feature rich FREE classified advertising site. |
Millennium3Publishing.com |
The first Millennium 3 Publishing property. Set up to facilitate browsing of the huge database of personal prosperity reports contained at the site and to encourage FREE downloads of the reports themselves. |
FinerItems.com |
Coming Soon. Online outlet store packed with first quality products and merchandise we've hand picked from some of the finest manufacturers and artisans in the world. |